What's It All About?

I told you this blog would morph. It went from searching for my passion to pursuing it.

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Persistance Verses Stalking

Today's Influence For Change: What's the line differentiating the idea of "sticking to it" verses "banging your head against the wall"?


@findingkansas said...

One might say if you don't succeed by try three just give up and go home. After all that is what all the good sayings tell us to do. For example, "If at first you don't succeed; try, try again." Initial attempt and two try's is three! Also there is the "Third times a charm." So one would imagine if the third time, being "the charm" didn't work, perhaps in never would. Hmmm.....something to think about.

James said...

How about those stories of super celebrities or entrepreneurs who try the same thing 100 times before it works? Didn't Michael J Fox audition like 150 times until he got his first acting gig? That takes a lot of self-confidence to still believe in yourself for that long.

@findingkansas said...

Oh no doubt that takes persistance. Perhaps it's the phrasing you choose that throws me off, the term "stalking" in my little mind seems more targeted towards human relationship verses the relationship of a dream or idea or employment. I am sure penicillin wasn't discovered on first attempt and many of our modern conveniences no doubtedly had multiple attempts. Although, if Michael J Fox auditioned for the SAME group of people 150 times, I might venture to say that would be borderline stalking. ;o)